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Fetal Medicine Assessment
Imagine being told that your baby’s brain is mostly filled with fluid. Panic sets in! What does it mean? Who do you turn to?
Two years ago you had an unexplained still-birth at full term. You were devastated. You just did a pregnancy test and it is positive. Terror fills you! Could the same thing happen again?
You are 38 years old and an Insulin dependent diabetic in your first ongoing pregnancy after 10 years of sub-fertility. Every-time you attend clinic doctor refers to you as high risk. You are really worried.
The Obstetrician has just discovered that your baby is small for dates. He discusses that he is worried about the blood flow and oxygen supply to the baby and will have to make a decision about delivery.
The above women are some of our most vulnerable Obstetric patients. When there is a concern for the health of the unborn baby, the pregnant woman and her family experience considerable worry and distress. Each of the cases described above will need information and reassurance about the baby’s well-being. This type of information will not be readily available in the routine ante-natal clinic as it requires special expertise. There should be an assessment by a Fetal Medicine Specialist who has spent time studying the health and well-being of the unborn baby. The specialist also has extensive knowledge about pathology that affects the unborn baby and is able to determine the severity of underlying conditions. Ultra sound is the single most important tool because it allows the unborn baby to be examined thoroughly.
Parents who are referred are counselled prior to ultrasound scanning. Following the scan, the findings are explained and they are given the opportunity to ask any questions they might have so they are well- prepared for dealing with their baby’s condition.